10 Delicious Health Benefits of Strawberry – Reasons Why Strawberries Are Extremely Good For You And Your Body


Loaded with impressive amount of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, no doubt why strawberries are among the most popular berries. From being freshly-picked berries to jams, anyone can easily access the nutritious strawberries all year round. This fruit, scientifically called as Fragaria X ananassa, is grown in temperate regions until they develop into red pulp with tiny seeds on the surface.

The United States Department of Agriculture or USDA suggests that there are only 32 calories for every 100 grams of strawberries. It comes with zero cholesterol and almost no fat.

However, it is a good source of carbohydrates with 6% of the daily-recommended intake. This is indeed important to supply the body with the much needed energy so organs can function normally and properly. The 2.0 grams or 5% DRI of dietary fiber is also helpful to improve bowel movement as well as blood glucose and cholesterol control.

Strawberries yields good amount of potassium, an important electrolyte that helps in the communication between the nerves and the muscles. It also curbs the damaging effect of sodium in the body particularly in the blood vessels.

Along with potassium are minerals including manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Strawberries contribute 17% DRI of manganese, which assists in the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins. It likewise keeps the bones strong. Iron, with 5% of the DRI, makes up the hemoglobin and is involved in the manufacture of new blood cells. The 3% DRI of magnesium found in strawberries, meanwhile, helps in the development of bones and muscle contraction. Calcium interacts with other minerals to perform its function in bone and tooth formation. Zinc is also involved in various enzyme activities as it protects the immune system.

All the aforementioned minerals are vital to achieve overall health. This could be obtained along with vitamins like C, E, K, B complex, and minimal amount of A.

Strawberries are high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that develops body resistance against infectious disease. Vitamin C’s importance in the body is grounded on the fact that it aids in iron absorption as well as in ensuring the health bones, muscle, and blood vessels.

Strawberries boast its supply of vitamin B complex, which includes Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, and Folates. This fruit is particularly high in folates, with 6% of the DRI. Folates are important in the production of red blood cells and in the development of genetic materials in the body.

The Important Health Benefits of Strawberries

Optimizes Heart Condition

Anthocyanins, a very special mineral, found in strawberries are powerful antioxidant that boosts the overall health of the heart. This antioxidant effectively avoids heart diseases through regulating the body’s cholesterol levels. This fruit also has anti-inflammatory compounds that support development of HDL or good cholesterol at the same time reduces LDL or the bad cholesterol. LDL cholesterol negatively affects heart functions. It does not only lead to excess fat storage but also damages the arteries. Regular consumption of strawberries will assure that cholesterol level in the body is normalized. Its polyphenol content also assures that blood flow from and to the heart is proper. There are also studies that conclude that strawberries have the ability of decreasing homocysteine levels that is the cause of damages in the arteries’ inner linings. On top of that, this delicate fruit is also rich in fiber and potassium that boosts overall heart health.

Prevents Allergies and Related Illness

Strawberries contain quertecin which is an anti-inflammatory compound that subside effects of allergies such as asthma, runny nose, hives, and watery eyes. Quertecin is one of the special properties that this fruit has because it is rarely found in others.

Suppresses Depression

Depression is caused by too much homocysteine in the body which stops nutrients and blood to be absorbed by the brain. Strawberries have Folate which prevents maintenance and development of homocysteine in the body. Homocysteine interferes with the production of serotonin which is known to be the happy hormones. Homocysteine does not only affect mood but also affects appetite and sleeping patterns. If you want to drop the mood swings, eating strawberries can help.

Prevents and Treats Diabetes

Strawberries are not only high in fiber but also are low in glycemic index that keeps blood sugar in check. The compounds of this fruit stabilize the blood sugar avoiding frequent fluctuations. This fruit is good for those who are diabetic or those who wants to avoid genetic diabetes because it satisfies your sweet tooth but doesn’t cause your blood sugar to go up. Strawberries are one of the fruits that have the lowest glycemic index which is only 40.

Avoids Constipation

Constipation is caused by improper digestion. Because of the fiber content of strawberries, it is able to normalize the digestive process. It allows food intake to break down accordingly. It also assures that food intake is digested and wasted properly and quickly. Regular intake of strawberries results to regular bowel movement thus avoiding constipation.

Contains Anti-Cancer Properties

Strawberries are very popular because of its powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent and eliminate free radicals and their very undesirable effects. Free radicals cause irregularities in the body. It inhibits tumor growth and heart ailments. This is why eating strawberries reduces risks of different types of cancer.

Alleviates Degenerative Functions

As mentioned above, strawberries are excellent sources of folate. Folate benefits the body in many ways possible.  Sufficient amounts of folate in the body defy ageing and its deteriorating effects in many aspects of the health. Lack of folate causes vascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and cognitive dysfunction. Make sure to always eat strawberries to replenish the body with Folic Acid.

Good for the Bones

Strawberries also have significantly high potassium content. High-potassium diet is proven to support development of bones through maintaining and retaining calcium storage. As we age, the bones tend to weaken. If you want to keep your bones healthy and strong, eating strawberries on a daily basis is of much significance. This fruit prevents bone breakdown and bone loss.

Reduces Stress

Strawberries suffice the daily Vitamin C requirement of the body. Vitamin C has positive effects in stress management. In fact, a cup of this fruit provides more than 100% of the Vitamin C demand of the body in a day. Vitamin C is much needed especially when under so much stress because when stressed, the body consumes more Vitamin C than usual. When you eat great sources of Vitamin C, blood pressure is regulated thus hypertension is prevented. This will result to better stress management ability of the body.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Strawberries are rich in potassium which explains why they are highly recommended to those with high blood pressure. Sodium negatively affects the body and is primarily responsible for high blood pressure. The potassium content of this fruit helps in negating the effects of sodium. And if your body does not meet the required potassium intake, the more it is exposed to high blood pressure. Foods rich in potassium are highly advantageous to the entirety of the human health. It is of great significance to eat foods rich in potassium as much as you can. Studies proved that high potassium intake decreases risks of dying from all kinds of causes generally up to 20%.