Breast Cancer - Home remedies and How to recognize Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is dangerous and need to be treated and recognized that is why we organized this post to inform those who didn't know how to recognize and help with home remedies which will add more positive effect to the medical treatment!!
Breast cancer, as the name implies, is the malignant growth of tissues within the breast and it can be caused by consumption of alcoholic drinks, radiation therapy of the breast, a first child being born at an old age, intake of progesterone or estrogen, old age ,family history and a number of other  health factors and behavioral habits.

The uncontrolled proliferation of cells can ultimately lead to the death of individual if it becomes metastasized or if it is not removed by surgery. The breast is composed of several lobes and ducts where lobes function is the production of milk. Breast cancer is separated into 3 types ductal, lobular or inflammatory. Ductal originates in the ducts, while lobular begins in the lobes. Inflammatory breast cancer refers to those in which breasts are swelled, warm and red. Out of the three, ductal breast cancer is the most common.

Breast cancer can be detected according to its characteristics like lump in the underarm region or near the breast, increased discharge from the breast, inverted nipples, change in texture or morphology of breast like scaliness, unevenness, swelling, or reduction in size, increased heat radiating from the breast followed without pain.

Home remedies for breast cancer are available and they can boost the immune system or kill the cancerous tissues to a certain extent. Still, proper lifestyle and eating habits are recommended for longevity and survival rate improvement of breast cancer patients. Home remedies for breast cancer include garlic, broccoli, grapes, green tea, lignans, soybean, vitamin D, calcium, and a well-balanced diet. Breast cancer is actually malignant grow of tissues of the breast

Home Remedies for Breast Cancer


Garlic has certain antibiotic properties which can be used to get rid of various infectious agents like bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Presence of alkyl sulphur compounds makes it a very good anti-cancer agent. It does so by causing the malignant cells to undergo natural cell death, also known as apoptosis. It also plays an important role in activating the immune cells against cancerous cells. Eating garlic as an oil, clove or powdered substance is much better than consuming it cooked.


Presence of linamarase gene in broccoli is good for breast cancer,because when  this gene is inside cancer cell it can breakdown into cyanide and effectively kill tumorous cells.


Grapes contain a compound called proanthocyanidins that reduces the body’s estrogen production which is good for treatment of breast cancer.The study showed that the extract of grapes affects breast cancer tumors that are hormone-sensitive. A drug called doxorubicin was also found to enhance its anti-tumor activity by consuming grapes juice or extract everyday as a supplemental treatment.

Green Tea

Prepare herbal green tea by boiling some amount of tea leaves in a glass of water till it reduces to half. This has anti-inflammatory properties and is very effective against breast cancer formation.

The seeds of sunflower, cashews, strawberries, flaxseed, and peanuts contain lignans. These compounds prevent estrogen-dependent tumors by slowing down their rate of growth and progression. Any of these items can be included in the daily diet chart and should be used as frequently as possible.

Vitamin D

Intake of Vitamin D, who can be found in milk, eggs and cod liver oil, has been associated with a lower risk of breast cancer


Studies have suggested that exercising an hour daily reduces the risk of contracting breast cancer in women of any age and any weight.
Low calorie diet

Research suggests that low calorie diet may slow down the spread of breast cancer.


This one is considered to be an absolute must for breast cancer patients because it contains phytoestrogens and several other entities that block cancerous cells from using estrogen. It also contains isoflavones needed for the prevention of cancer at early stages. It can be taken either as sprouts or as a cooked vegetable.

Olive Oil

Olive oil can reduce risk of cancer. Recent research study suggests that hydroxytyrosol, a major component of olive oil may help prevent breast cancer in postmenopausal women.


It is important to consume calcium, who can be found in canned salmon, orange juice, almonds and green vegetables, especially in the pre-menopausal period for women. Studies have shown that calcium can reduce risk of breast cancer.

Beneficial Diet

According to a recent study, intake of vegetable protein, vegetable fat, dietary fiber, and nuts during adolescence may help to reduce risk of breast cancer. It is good to have cucumbers, carrots, bananas, corn, spinach, peas and lentils for patients suffering from cancer.