14 Best Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Eating Banana

Banana has amazing health benefits. Banana is a rich source of energy as well as storehouse of many nutrients. In terms of nutrients, banana is in the higher side in comparison to apple. Banana has more vitamin A, phosphorous, carbohydrate, and iron than Apple.  Since, banana is full of nutrients, therefore, it is considered as super fruits.

Banana is one of the very few fruits that are available throughout the year.  Banana eating smoothes your digestion, maintain blood sugar level and also checks overeating. It is one of the best sources to provide quick energy.
Banana for weight gain

Banana helps in losing weight and obesity. Banana gives you adequate calorie as 100 grams of banana provides 90 k calories, and tends to fill your stomach too. Its fibres are soluble in nature which absorbs water and decreases the speed of digestion thereby makes you fill full. The roughage part in banana also does not exert the man to eat more.

On the other hand, banana is also good for those who are under weight. Banana is consisted of sugars like fructose and sucrose which provides instant energy. When banana is taken along with milk, it helps to improve weight gain because milk gives protein while banana provides sugar.

Banana lowers blood pressure

Banana is good for high blood pressure patients. Banana is the excellent source of potassium and least amount of salts, which helps in maintaining of hypertension and also prevents from stroke. Because presence of high potassium, it enables smooth blood circulation to the brain. High level of potassium also prevents from heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke. An average banana contains about 467 mg of potassium and 1 mg of sodium.

Banana for bones and teeth

Banana contains potassium that not only reduces hypertension but also protects bones and teeth from weakening. It minimises the ill-impacts of sodium; helps to retain the concentration of calcium that is needed for free flow of blood, proper muscles contraction and smooth nervous function. Banana is also having manganese that promotes bone health and metabolism.  Banana has probiotic bacteria which absorbs calcium thus good for healthy bones. Calcium in banana prevents thinning of bones. To develop better and strong bones, children may be given banana.

Banana for stomach ulcers

Banana contains compound called protease inhibitors which has antacid effect and prevents bacteria to cause stomach problems. Bananas also help in thickening of stomach layer thereby prevent from peptic ulcers. It also reduces irritation in the inner lining of the stomach due to production of mucous.  Eating raw banana reduces the intestinal irritation and stomach acidity.  The soothing effects of banana protect stomach against ulcers and ulcer damage.  On the other hand, the presence of fibre in banana regulates digestive functions and smoothes the regular bowel movement. Regular eating of banana reduces the risk of gastric cancer too.

Banana for constipation cures

Banana is having adequate soluble fibre in the form of pectin also known as hydrocolloid, which is beneficial for digestion. The fibrous content of banana helps in smooth bowel movement. Instead of using laxatives, banana is one of the important fruits that can be used as constipation home remedies. Banana is also helpful in diarrhea where it tries to restore electrolytes and helps to bind stool. The rich fibre content of banana helps to regulate the bowel movement.

Banana is good for mood

Banana is a mood elevator due to presence of serotonin. Changes in the level of glucose in the body are responsible for mood swing, banana, which is having enough quantity of vitamin B6 show soothing effects in mood. Banana fights depression and mood booster due to chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. These bio-chemicals along with tryptophan help to lift one’s spirit.  Nerve cells stimulation is also caused by banana and good for your mood enhancement. Being a natural enhancer of mood, it is also beneficial for Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Banana for instant energy

Since banana is the store house of nutrients and good source of energy. Being a mood booster, it is better to eat banana instead of taking tea or coffee while somebody is feeling tired or sluggish.  The wholesome and nutritious fruit is known for instant energy and good for all ages.  When the banana get ripen, it comprises glucose, fructose, sucrose and fibre, thus made banana a good source of energy. Banana is also a good source of carbohydrate; so eating banana provides prompt energy. If you are a gym goer or jogging enthusiasts; it is good to eat banana before exercises. It is one of the best substitutes of providing energy after strenuous works. Since, it is loaded with energy, so kids may be given it at breakfast.

Banana for memory

Banana is loaded with nutrients and beneficial to increase and enhance brain power.  A research conducted at a school in Middlesex has shown that eating banana at breakfast, break and lunch; enhances the mental alertness and boost brain power. It is happened due to presence of potassium in banana. Potassium in banana also helps to normalise the heart rate and control smooth flow of oxygen to brain, thus a marvellous brain food and enhance learning abilities.

Banana for heart disease

Banana has high percentage of potassium which helps to regulate heart beat. One should eat banana during stress because tension and anxiety reduces the level of potassium in the body. Daily requirement of potassium in the body is 4 grams, so eating a banana is sufficient to fulfil this requirement. The presence of potassium and fibre in banana control high blood pressure and give cardiovascular protection.  Being a natural antacid, it also gives relief from heart burn. It is a wise step to eat banana at the breakfast which will be helpful in normalizing of heart function.

Banana for anemia treatment

Banana is one of the important diets that can be used by anemia patients. Banana is rich in iron which increases the efficiency of haemoglobin, thus good diet for anemic patients. As the concentration of haemoglobin increases, the signs of anemia decreases. Banana is also a good source of vitamin B6, which is beneficial in anemia.

Banana for cancer prevention

A study published in International Journal of Cancer has shown that eating of banana is good for smooth renal function and also prevents kidney cancer. It has also confirmed that regular eating of banana, fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cancer. Being a rich source of potassium, banana promotes renal health. Banana is also rich in antioxidants that prevents from different cancers, especially the bowel one.

Banana for healthy vision

The age related muscular degeneration reduces if one develops the habits of eating fruits, especially banana. Banana is packed with vitamin A which is extremely beneficial for eyesight and eye health.  Beta-carotene and alpha-carotene of vitamin A protects your eyes membrane. A survey conducted by Archives of Ophthalmology, which suggested that regular eating of banana greatly reduce the eye related problems in the older age.

Nutritional value of banana

Banana is a nutritious and wholesome fruit. When a person is eating 100 grams of banana, it means, he is taking following nutrients. Calories (116 K cal), Protein (1.2 grams), Fat (0.3 g), Carbohydrate (27.2g), Calcium (17mg), Phosphorous (36mg), Iron (0.36mg), Magnesium (41 mg), Sodium (36.6 mg), Potassium (88 mg), Zinc (0.15 mg), Vitamin C (7 mg), Vitamin B6 ( 0.8 mg), Fibre (0.4 grams),  Carotene (78 mcg), Thiamine (0.05 mg), Niacin ( 0.5 mg),

Top 15 health benefits of banana

  1. Banana helps to quit smoking as banana contains potassium, magnesium, B6, and B12, all these helps to recover reduce the level of nicotine.
  2. When itching of mosquito bite is rubbed with banana peel, helps to get relief soon.
  3. Banana milkshake increases the depleted blood sugar in the body.
  4. Regular intake of banana reduces the chances of stroke by 40% as suggested by New England Journal of Medicine.
  5. Since banana is the best source of potassium, it has calming effect on the mind.
  6. Banana contains many antioxidants like flavonoids, lutien, zea-xanthin, alpha and beta-carotene, all helps in checking of free radicals thus prevents from diseases.
  7. Banana prevents the risk of atherosclerosis due to presence of high potassium.
  8. Banana contains pectin which is beneficial in reduction of cholesterol in the body.
  9. Banana stimulates nerve functions due to presence of vitamin B.
  10. Banana helps to smooth bowel function and good in the management and controlling of piles.
  11. Banana is also eaten by expectorant mother as it helps in lowering the emotional and physical temperature of pregnant mother.
  12. Banana is having tryptophan which helps to produce sleep hormone melatonin. It prevents insomnia and encourages sound sleep.
  13. Banana is beneficial for skin as the presence of vitamin C helps collagen formation, which makes the skin supple and soft.
  14. Banana is good for hair as it has healthy hair ingredients such as potassium, vitamins, natural oils, and carbohydrate.
  15. Banana also helps in reducing of menstrual pains. It contains vitamin B6 which is good in improvement of overall mood.