10 Natural Ways To Treat Vaginal Discharge (Leucorrhoea)

Vaginal discharge is a whitish liquid that is produced in the uterus and is discharged by way of vagina. It is a normal process and it generally begins in a girl life when she is due to attain puberty or prior to menstruation. It is the nature’s way of keeping the vagina healthy and lubricated. Women experience vaginal discharge all through their lives though it reduces after they reach the menopausal stage.

Normal vaginal discharge helps to keep the vagina clean and healthy. It does not have a bad odour or you can say that it has no smell at all and you may see the traces of discharge on your under garment. It is normal for vaginal discharge to increase under certain conditions like- A few days before menstruation During pregnancy During ovulation Hormonal treatment Sexual excitement Emotional stress

Tips To  Deal With The Normal Secretion

You can use panty liners to prevent the fluid from escaping and spoiling your clothes. It is also hygienic as the liners will absorb extra moisture and will keep you dry. Wear under garment that are made with cotton yarn as this will keep your skin dry and the discharge will not cause any kind of skin allergy When you have increased discharge, avoid wearing tight clothes like skin fitted jeans or slacks to let the skin breathe. Keep yourself clean and wash the vaginal area with mild soap and water twice a day. When the secretion is more than normal and it creates irritation or emanates a bad odour, it indicates the presence of infection in the vaginal tract. This condition is commonly known as Leucorrhoea.

Symptoms Of Leucorrhoea

Constant discharge which is thick and sticky.
• Irritation and itching in the genitals.
• A strong and foul smell.
• In acute infection the discharge make carry traces of blood and appears pinkish in tone.
• Constant fatigue and discomfort with pain in calves.
• Fever in case the infection is severe.
You can treat leucorrhoea with natural ways at the onset of the problem and avoid harmful side effects of medicines.

Natural Ways To Treat Leucorrhoea


Amla or Indian gooseberry helps to cure leucorrhoea. Take 3 grams amla powder and 6 grams honey, mix them to make a paste and take it two times a day for 30 days.

Take 20 grams amla juice mixed with ½ tea spoon honey for one month for positive result.


You should eat banana every day when you are suffering from leucorrhoea. Eat one banana with milk and honey in the morning.

You can cook raw banana to make vegetable and eat it with your meals. Mash two ripe bananas and mix it with 3 teaspoons of honey and take it two three times a day.


Pomegranate is beneficial when eaten as a fruit or consumed as juice but for leucorrhoea its leaves also holds medicinal value.

Take 30 fresh pomegranate leaves, wash them thoroughly and grind them with 10 black peppercorns. Mix the paste with half a glass of water and strain it. Drink this liquid in morning and evening fo three weeks.

Dry Ginger Powder (Sonth)

Take 2 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and boil it in 250ml. Of water till the water is reduced to half. Drink this decoction for three weeks and you will be relieved of leucorrhoea.

Basil (Tulsi)

Basil or tulsi has marvellous medicinal value. It has the power to cure several diseases and it can also prevent many ailments. You can use tulsi to cure leucorrhoea in many ways.
Mix the juice of basil leaves and honey in equal proportion and take it in the morning and evening for two weeks. Mix 1 tea spoon tulsi juice with 1/2 tea spoon cumin powder and consume it with cow’s milk for three weeks. Take tulsi juice with crystallized sugar (Mishri).

Alum (Phitkari)

Alum is a natural antiseptic and it can be taken orally or can be used externally to treat leucorrhoea. Take ¼ tea spoon of alum powder with water two times a day to cure excessive vaginal discharge.

You can dissolve alum powder in water and use it as vaginal douche for treating the infection. This is a very effective remedy to cure various type of infections related to genitals.

Lady‘s Fingers

Prepare a decoction with 200 grams lady finger and one litre water. Boil till the water is reduced to half and divide the potion in two or three doses. Follow the treatment at least for a week for positive results.

Rice Starch

Rice starch helps to treat leucorrhoea as well as stomach ailments. Boil rice and keep the strained water aside and drink it in small doses when suffering from leucorrhoea.


Soak 1 tea spoon fenugreek seeds in water overnight and strain the water in the morning. Add ½ tea spoon of honey to it and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. You can prepare a decoction of fenugreek seeds to be used as vaginal douches. Boil two tea spoon fenugreek seeds in a litre of water for 30 minutes and strain it. Use when it is cool.


Boil a few guava leaves in one litre of water till the water is reduced to half. Cool it and strain it. Use the water for vaginal douches twice a day.

Medical care is necessary in the case of acute infection. It may become chronic if proper care is not taken to deal with the problem. Leucorrhoea is related to increased stress level and a sedentary life style. You must follow a regular exercise regimen and keep yourself occupied in some creative or constructive activity to maintain physical fitness and to reduce stress. Eat a healthy dietconsisting of fresh vegetables like cucumber, spinach, tomato, radish, onion, carrots etc. Add fresh fruits and especially citrus fruits in your daily diet to maintain good health. Eat yogurt and avoid milk for some time till the discharge is severe. Avoid fried foods and reduce the consumption of tea and coffee as they cause irritation and burning in the genitals.