Benefits Of Papaya Leaf and Seed Papaya For Health

Benefits Of Papaya Leaf and Seed Papaya For Health - Papaya is a home-based plants commonly grown alongside the house or yard of the house. Papaya consumed a lot of people because it tastes sweet and refreshing when eaten Besides the fruit papaya also edible flowers and young leaves of papaya as a friend and as a salad rice.

The benefits of papaya is not only especially those on fruit leaves and flowers only as food but also can be used as a traditional medicine to cure various diseases Almost all parts of the plant with the Latin name Carica papaya L can be used ranging from sap, stems, leaves, seeds, roots and skin. Keep in mind that in papaya enzyme papain which contains many beneficial for digestion It also contains anti-septic useful to kill the nasty bacteria that live in the intestines.

Some of the compounds contained within papaya is papain enzymes alkaloids carpaine, pseudo-carpaine, glikosid, karposid, saccharose, dextrose levulose. While in papaya fruit  papain papayotimin, fitokinase. So do not be surprised if the papaya has great benefits for health.
Benefits Of Papaya Leaf and Seed Papaya For Health

Efficacy and Benefits of Papaya Leaf :

1. Can soften Meat
The benefits of papaya leaves are able to soften the meat The trick is to mix crushed papaya leaves into meat that has been sliced meat does not need much so that you are not bitter. By adding papaya leaves, then the meat becomes tender and soft when eaten. Once the case for those of you who want to become soft red chicken meat (chicken meat habit is hard).

2. Papaya Leaf to increase appetite
For those of you that there is no appetite, you can try this powerful way. Prepare fresh papaya leaves and salt and half a cup of warm water. Blender and strain the water then drink You can also give this herb in children.

3. Papaya prevent cancer
Papaya as it has been known that contain white sap (latex). According to a study in the publication in the Journal of the Society of Biology mention that papaya latex potentially be developed as an anti-cancer drug. And papaya latex is present in papaya though cooked in any way.

4. Eliminate Acne
Papaya leaves are also useful to get rid of acne. The trick is to prepare as much as 3 pieces of papaya leaves, and drying diterik sun, then puree and add a little water (about 1 1/2 tablespoons) and toss to like pasta or mask Furthermore coat pimpled face, allow it to dry and rinse with warm water and follow with cold water.

5. Treating dengue
Health benefits of papaya leaves to the next is as a remedy for dengue fever. For patients with dengue fever symptoms or are in very good to be drunk results blender papaya leaves. Papaya leaves can treat the disease that causes dengue fever mosquito.
Benefits Of Papaya Leaf and Seed Papaya For Health

Benefits of Papaya fruit seeds for Health - Not only papaya leaves is beneficial to health but papaya seeds also have a myriad of benefits in treating a variety of diseases and kill the germs that cause disease. Among the benefits of papaya seeds are as follows:

  • As an anti-bacterial - According to research revealed that papaya seeds contain a variety of anti-bacteria that can kill the bacteria E. coli, Salmonella and staph infections
  • Maintain a healthy kidney - Papaya seeds should be eaten with meat, because the benefits of papaya seeds actually very large. Through research revealed that papaya seed extract can maintain kidney health and protect the kidneys of toxins induced causes of kidney failure.
  • Eradicate parasites in the gut - Papaya seeds are also useful to eliminate parasites in the intestines This is evidenced by a study in children nigeria. Performed on Nigerian children with intestinal parasites 76.7% of children are free of parasites after seven days of treatment with papaya seeds compared with only 16.7% of children who received a placebo.
  • Neutralize poison heart - Liver disease is very dangerous and even life-threatening can be maintained by consuming papaya seeds. Papaya seeds in neutralizing potent liver toxin. In Chinese medicine it is said that a spoonful of papaya seeds can overcome the liver toxins. The doctors also recommend papaya seeds in patients with liver cirrhosis.
  • Treat worms - For health benefits of papaya seeds can also eradicate worms in the stomach. However  it is not recommended for pregnant women to consume papaya seeds for fear of miscarriage.