8 Critical Health Benefits of Passion Fruit – Reasons Why Passions Fruits Are Very Good For Your Health


Aside from great sweetness and tangy flavour with distinct aroma that marks the commercial and market popularity of purple granadilla widely known as “Passion Fruit” its massive and excellent nutritional profile with ample vitamins and minerals where it’s real deal.

Single serving of passion fruit has more than 100% of the total required intake of vitamin C for a healthy diet added with Vitamin A, Beta Carotene and Potassium.

Passion fruit juice provides sustainable amount of Vitamin A that is very crucial for growth and development and for the maintenance of the immune system and good vision. It also supplies adequate amount of Beta Carotene that shields against cancer and can kill the cancerous cells in vitro it also promotes bone and tooth development, repairs body tissues and benefits the eyes besides reducing the risk of arthritis, infertility and depression. Moreover, beta-carotene is a non-toxic form of vitamin A.

A glass gives you all of the vitamin C you need each day. It also gives you 10 percent of the Folic acid you need. Vitamin C and Folic acid are water-soluble nutrients that slowly become depleted after harvest and passion fruit preserve its contents for great amount of time. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps the body prevent and fight against diseases and infections. It also speeds up wound healing by facilitating the repair of tissues.

The Potassium content of this fruit is vital for the proper functioning of the kidneys and muscle contractions and particularly beneficial for smokers, vegetarians and athletes. Potassium regulates electrolyte balance and controls the muscle function of our entire body including heart muscles that create heart beat. It is also responsible for release of calcium in the blood stream which can cause blockages in the arteries if released in excess.

Passion fruit dietary fibre is particularly high and fulfils about 43% of our daily need of Vitamin A as well. Iron clocks at 20% and copper at 9.5% with just 100 grams of this fruit.

It is an excellent coolant and due to its refreshing cool taste, it can cure burning sensation in the stomach. It helps relax your nerves and mind, making you feel calm. It also contains the mineral potassium in abundance. There is almost no sodium in this fruit but potassium which makes up for 7% of body’s daily need.

This fruit contains soluble fibre which cleanses toxins stored in the colon by facilitating healthy and regular bowel movement. Apart from its fibre content, the antioxidants in this fruit also aid in cleaning the colon.
The Amazing Health Benefits of Passion Fruit

Increases Metabolic Rates

Ever since the early ages, passion fruit is perceived to be the wonder fruit because of its immunity boosting effects. Many people would settle on just consuming Passion fruit as vitamin and health boosters because it contains high levels of Vitamin C, carotene, and crypthoxanthin. Passion fruit is very rich in Vitamin C that a single serving can amount to the daily Vitamin C requirement of the body. Having a cup of passion fruit a day will assure that you will be free from various types of common sickness such as cough, cold, flu, and others more. The remarkable Vitamin C content of passion fruit also battles serious illnesses such as cancer, heart ailments, and body organ malfunction.

Prevents Cancer

As mentioned above, passion fruit has cancer prevention effects. Aside from Vitamin C that is a very powerful antioxidant compound, this fruit also has carcinogen-killing properties. Carcinogen triggers development of cancer cells and cell damage. Antioxidants that passion fruit contain are able to support healthy development of cells as well as aid cell repairing activities. This fruit also has Vitamin A, phenolic compounds, and flavanoids that are of great help in reducing risks of various types of cancer especially lung and oral cancers.

Improves Eye Health

Passion fruit’s Vitamin A content is able to enrich the overall health of the eyes. It makes your vision clearer and protects you from age-related eye disorders such as cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness, and others more. It is a fact that as we grow old, the condition of the eyes deteriorate. Through intake of foods with high Vitamin A levels combats various problems with the eyes and with vision. Regular consumption of passion fruit will maintain the clarity of your vision and will thwart off multiple eye ailments.

Nourishes the Skin

Passion fruit is abundant in antioxidants, specifically Vitamin C, and Vitamin A that both work perfectly for the health of the skin. Vitamin A makes sure that the membranes are healthy and well functioning. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production that is very important to keep the skin cells well protected from damage related to ageing. Vitamin C assures that there is sufficient collagen level in the body that results to skin beautification. Collagen is responsible for the structure and firmness of the skin. The more collagen produced the younger-looking and the more glowing the skin will look. What’s amazing is that eating passion fruit will not only improve your physical appearance but also repairs and keeps your skin healthy from the inside. Consumption of passion fruit will also contribute in protecting your skin from harmful UV rays and pollution.

Regulates Digestion

Passion fruit is very popular because of its impressive level of fiber content. It is very rich in fiber that a cup can fill up to 95% of the body’s daily fiber need. Fiber plays an important role in our overall health. It benefits the digestive system so much. It is important to eat foods rich in fiber because it is what regulates proper digestion and bowel movement. Fiber acts as a bulk laxative that assures food intake is moved through the digestive process accordingly. With the presence of fiber, the digestive tract is cleared for prompt and proper bowel movement. When the digestive process is optimized, digestive issues like constipation is avoided. Healthy digestive system also prevents heart diseases, gastrointestinal problems, heart ailments and colorectal cancer.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Passion fruit is also a source of potassium. It contains considerably significant potassium levels that will suffice up to 25% of the daily requirement. Potassium is a very essential mineral doing so many functions in the body. Because of its potassium content, eating or drinking passion fruit can regulate normal blood pressure. Potassium acts as vasodilator that keeps the veins and blood vessels relaxed. With sufficient potassium levels, the blood is able to flow in the blood stream without strain and tension. If the veins and blood vessels are stressed, it is most likely that the blood pressure goes up. It is important to keep blood pressure in check because high blood pressure can lead to heart failure.

Strengthens the Bones

Passion fruit also has magnesium, copper, iron, and phosphorus that are beneficial to the health and quality of our bones. These minerals increase bone’s density making it stronger and less prone to bone fracture and disorders. Consuming passion fruit helps combat bone fragility because it contains vitamins and minerals that maintains healthy bone cells as well as speeds up bone cell repair if so is needed.

Battles Insomnia

Alkaloids that passion fruit provides are virtually effective sedative that helps you fall asleep easily. Aside from insomnia, passion fruit can also help in treating anxiety and depression. If you are having a hard time sleeping and maintaining your focus, drinking passion fruit juice before you start and end your day will be of great help.