Kidney Stone Treatment with Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Kidney Stone Treatment – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Kidney Stone
Kidney stones are solid concentration which is formed in the kidneys from the dissolved urinary minerals. You know this, the kidney stone is a common source of blood in the urine and it often creates serious pain in the abdomen. It starts, when the stones are stuck in the ureter and moves to come in waves in this point of tine better to find the Kidney Stone Treatment.
Sometimes small stones in the kidney cause more pain than large ones. People with certain metabolic abnormalities may produce cysteine stones or uric acid stones

Best Kidney Stone Treatment at Home

1. How Tulsi/Basil helps to remove a kidney stone?
You know this Basil/Tulsi restorative stone removal from the urinary tract within few weeks. First, you must take 8-10 leaves fresh green leaves of Tulsi, squash them to make a paste. Add 1 spoon of honey to this paste and you must consume on an empty stomach in the early morning. Ensure that you must make the fresh paste every time. Do this continuously 3-4 weeks it will naturally help to remove the stone.

You can add the fresh Tulsi/Basil paste in your tea, instead of sugar you can add honey.

2. Coconut water helps in Kidney Stone Treatment

Coconut water is very good for the one who is suffering from Kidney Stone problem. If you consume fresh coconut water blushes the kidney stone through urine. So it is better that you must take the fresh coconut water in the early morning on an empty stomach. At least you must consume 4-5 glasses of coconut water daily to get rid of this kidney stone problem.

3. Kidney Stone Treatment: Using Olive oil and lemon 
As you know the lemon contains citric acid and this property helps to dilute and break down the calcium based stones and it helps to prevent the growth of the stone in the kidney. If you drink lemon juice it will intensify the volume of urination, which helps to blush out the kidney stone that struck in the urinary tract. Lemon intensifies the citrate level in the urine it is one of the effective Kidney Stone Treatment.

4. How Cranberry juice helps in Kidney Stone Treatment? 

If you consume this type of juice, it is beneficial in the symptoms of the kidney stone. It helps to dilute the stone and blush them out through urine. This juice also helps to eliminate other impurities that are stuck in the kidney. Cranberry juice prevents the formation of kidney stones. So, it is better to drink a glass of cranberry juice daily for some weeks.

5. Water helps in Kidney Stone Treatment, if you drink more water, it helps to flush the stone out through urine and it helps to prevent the formation of calcium crystals in the urine.

If you are scared about operations, then  it is better to follow this type of natural treatment at home. If you try this natural treatment, you will surely get succeed and you can save money and it is the best way to get rid of the kidney stone problem in a cheaper way.