Foods to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Every year women suffering from cervical cancer in the world increased. Healthy eating patterns and selection of food with proper nutrition can prevent this deadly disease.

Estimated 12900 women in United States diagnosed cervical cancer by 2015. Cervical cancer is generally caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) that attacked the woman's cervix.
To prevent cervical cancer, you can go on a diet by consuming food - healthy food. Here are 10 tips for a healthy diet to prevent cervical cancer.

1. Foods containing flavonoids 
Flavonoids may protect the body from cancer. Because it can keep the regulation of normal cells and reduce inflammation or inflammation. Some foods that are rich in flavonoids good consumed regularly. Such as, apples, black beans, garlic, cabbage, onions, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, soybeans and lettuce.

2. Foods containing folate 
The consumption of such foods, beans, avocado, cereals and bread to prevent the risk of cancer. Because these foods contain folate that is capable of lowering the level of homocysteine that is the substance that causes the growth of abnormal cells on the cervix.

3. Food with low glycemic index 
Foods with a high glycemic index will increase the risk of developing tumors by stimulating growth hormone insulin. Therefore the consumption of foods with low glycemic index that can raise blood sugar. The types of foods that have a low glycemic index is nuts, vegetables and fruits, such as berries.

4. Food contains L3c 
A compound called indole-3-carbinol (L3c) is able to fight off the estrogen that causes cancer. L3c can turn harmful estrogen be helpful compounds. These compounds found in vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.

5. Food contains ellagic acid
Foods rich in ellagic acid can activate detoxification enzymes in the body and effectively eliminate cervical cancer. Consumption of fruits such as berries, raspberries and walnuts on a regular basis to fight cervical cancer. Because this food is a good source of elagic acid.