5 Quick And Easy Homemade Face Mask

Orange is one of the most vital citrus fruit which is full of nutrients. All the part of this fruit is used for various beauty treatments and provides benefits for your skin. Orange juice keeps your skin bright and soft from inside. Orange peel is also great for your skin as it cures various skin problems like pigmentation, dark circles and prevents acne.

These Are Quick And Easy Homemade Face Mask

Fullers Earth And Orange Juice Face Pack

It is a great face pack for oily skin. Fullers Earth is an excellent ingredient which removes the oiliness and black heads from the oily skin effectively. If you have oily skin then uses this face pack to keep your face clean and soft. This face pack is ideal for use in normal to oily skin. This mask contains 2 table spoons of Fullers earth, 4 table spoons of freshly squeezed orange juice, 2 tea spoons of orange peel powder and 4-6 drops of orange essential oil. Mix all the ingredients in to a smooth paste and apply evenly on your skin. Leave the face pack on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Orange essential oil used in this face pack refreshes your skin from inside thus it looks fresh. This face pack keeps your skin shine free and soft.

Orange Peel And Yogurt Face Pack

Orange peel is good for removing blemishes from your skin thus you got a blemish free skin naturally. Try this superb skin pack with orange which is highly effective to remove scars from your face and make the skin glowing. Mix 4 tea spoons of orange peel powder with 3 tea spoon of yogurt in a glass bowl and make a smooth paste out of it. If you wish you may add honey in this face pack. Apply this paste on your face and allow it to dry or wait for 20 minutes. Wash your face with cold water scrubbing it in a circular motion. Orange peel effectively removes dead skin cells making the skin brighter. Vitamin C of orange peel lightens your skin tone while yogurt keeps your skin hydrated.
Orange Juice And Gram Flour Pack

Do you want to get radiant skin with home remedies? Try this unique home remedy with orange juice which gives you glowing radiant and beautiful skin in few minutes. This face pack is so easy to make and it gives you clear complexion. Use freshly squeezed orange juice in this face pack to get effective results. Take 4 table spoons of gram flour and ½ cup of orange juice. Mix the ingredients to make a smooth paste. When you prepare the paste add the orange juice slowly with gram flour instead of adding all the juice at once in the face pack. Apply this face pack on your skin evenly and leave it on your skin for 20 minutes. Remove this face pack with lukewarm water for better results. Use this amazing face packs thrice in a week thus you got a noticeable fair and radiant skin.

Orange And Sandalwood Pack

Orange peel is also good for your skin as the juice contains. Use orange peel in your face pack to get rid of various skin problems. You can use it raw as you can grind the fresh orange peel in your face pack. Otherwise you can dry the orange peel in sun and then grind it in to fine powder to use in your face packs later. Now how to make this Orange peel and sandalwood pack? Take 1 tea spoon of sandalwood powder and 4 tea spoon of orange peel powder in a bowl. Now add adequate milk or rosewater in to it to make a smooth paste. Apply this face pack evenly on your face and allow it to get dry; it would take more or less 30 minutes. Wash your face with Luke warm water. This face mask is good for removing pimples and also reduces the marks of old pimples. Use this face mask thrice a week and you can get rid of skin problems of pimples.

Orange Peel And Milk Face Pack

Orange peel is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which is famous for their anti aging properties. Dry skin is prone to get premature aging with fine lines and wrinkles. Use orange feel face mask in your skin if you have a dry skin as it prevents free radical damage in your skin and also stops premature aging of your skin. The antioxidants and vitamin C present in the orange peel effectively removes fine lines and wrinkles. Take 3 table spoons of orange peel powder and 1/4th cup of full fat milk in a bowl; soak it for 10 minutes. Now make a smooth paste out of it and apply it evenly on your face. Leave this face pack for half an hour. Remove this using tepid water, but be careful not to scrub your skin. This pack keeps your dry skin hydrated from inside that you can surely feel the difference.