Beat the Summer Heat with Healthy Drinks!

Do you feel the Summer heat?

If you think that the summer temperatures cannot get any hotter than last year, you might be in for a shock. Weather researchers are already preparing for another record-breaking summer heat in 2016. Factoring in the El Nino oceanic phenomenon, where the tropical Pacific Ocean in covered with warm waters, and other man-made climate changes, experts are forecasting that global temperatures will exceed the records set just 12 months earlier.

Hotter weather conditions can help to lift mood and ensure more fun under the sun, but it does expose the body to dehydration and possibly other forms of illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on healthy drink recipes that are suitable to combat the unbearable heat and help the body maintain its coolness.

Healthy Drinks

To help individuals get a significant head start towards reversing the effects of the intense heat, suggested below are 6 healthy drinks proven to help keep the body cool and refreshed. Other than offering cooling benefits to the body, these concoctions also boast other health advantages due to the extensive use of healthy ingredients.

Iced Green Tea with Ginger and Mint

No healthy food list can claim to be complete without the inclusion of green tea. Much attention has been focused on the high antioxidant content of green tea that allows it fight against harmful elements within the body. Scientific researchers have also discovered that green tea possesses a unique ingredient, known as epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG), that can offer joint pain relief. To further enhance its versatility, mixing green tea with ice, ginger, honey and mint can help to combat against the warm summer heat.


With the influx of customize recipes based on personal preferences, it might be the right time to throwback to the good old days. Back when smartphones were a mythical invention, lemonade stands dominated the streets during summer time. Although most people were just looking to satisfy their thirst and paid no attention to its nutritional value, scientists have found out that this little yellow fruit can help to reduce body temperature, aid in throat infections, indigestion, constipation and even offer benefits to the skin.

Peach Punch

The use of peaches can be considered as an alternative to lemon. While they offer a totally different taste, peaches do help to keep the body cool as well. A good recipe is to mix peaches with lemons and a pinch of sugar to enhance the taste. This fruit punch can be stored in the freezer to prepare for the arrival of any unexpected visitor.

Watermelon Cooler

Many people crave for watermelon during summer time. Nothing beats the sensation of biting into a juicy piece of watermelon in the intense summer weather. The high juice content of this fruit not only helps to lower body temperature, but it also serves as a powerful thirst quencher.

Mango Milkshake

Out of all the fruits in the market, mangos tend to get overshadowed. Although they do not provide a wide range of health benefits, mangos still possess the ability to enhance the immune system and regulate blood pressure. To further increase its nutritional value, mix it with some low-fat milk to create a mango milkshake. It becomes a good source of protein and can help to combat the intense heat wave.

Barley Water

Barley water is another homemade drink that can help to combat the temperatures of summer. Simply boil some barley seeds in water and it can be consumed at any time of the day. Other than helping to keep the body cool, Barley is also rich in fiber, zinc, phosphorous and copper. These properties make it a healthy ingredient and can help the body fight against common illnesses and diseases at the same time.


Climate researchers have warned that summer temperatures are showing no signs of cooling down and will only continue to break new records each year. In modern times where lifestyle fitness is a raving trend, it highlights the need to keep body temperatures down during summer and prevent the onset of dehydration and heat exhaustion. Suggested above are 6 refreshing drinks that can achieve this objective adequately and also offer other health benefits due to the use of healthy ingredients. These concoctions are bound to keep the body cool and ensure more fun in the sun throughout the summer season.