She Was Drinking Carrot Juice Every Morning for 8 Months, and Then the Unthinkable Happened

Ann Cameron, the popular children book author, was diagnosed with 3rd stage colon cancer a couple of years ago. Doctors recommended chemotherapy as a treatment, which she refused after seeing
what it did to her late husband who died from lung cancer. However, she underwent a surgery until the cancer returned and entered the 4th stage 6 months later.

Still, Ann refused chemotherapy and started looking for alternative treatments. This is when she stumbled upon the case of Ralph Cole, a young man who shared his cancer story on his personal blog. Ralph was able to beat the disease by consuming 2.5 kg. of carrot juice every day, so having nothing to lose, Ann decided to try the same method.

2 months afterwards, the tumor started to shrink, and the swelling of her organs was reduced. After 8 months, Ann went on a CT scan which showed no traces of her colon cancer – she was finally free of the disease!

Carrots contain a rich amount of carotene, a powerful antioxidant which prevents tumor formation. The same antioxidant can fight cancer naturally and without the awful side-effects of chemotherapy. In the end, Ann thanked Ralph for his story, and published her own on her website.