Tasty Beverages for Kids that Aren’t 99% Sugar

Teaching our kids great nutritional habits are important for their growing bodies and for their health as they become adults. Unfortunately, there are so many sugar-laden foods and drinks on the market that are targeted towards them, and the sugary stuff often has very little nutritional value beyond extra calories. Not only can the sweet stuff lead to an unhealthy weight, but the sugar can do a number to your child’s teeth, especially since children are already at a higher risk for cavities. For a healthier alternative, here’s a list of drinks that are healthy for their teeth and their growing bodies.

Homemade smoothies
Not only are they a tasty alternative, but you can slip some veggies in there without them even noticing! All you need is a high-powered blender and a few ingredients. Here’s an easy favorite that’s also high in fiber:

1 cup – Cherries
1 cup chopped – broccoli
1 fruit – Avocado
1 medium – banana
1 tbsp, ground – flaxseed, ground
1 cup – Pomegranate juice
Just put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. They’ll have no idea they’re drinking something healthy.

Although it does contain natural sugars, milk is a great source of calcium, which is an essential mineral for strong teeth and bones. That calcium is needed for building stronger enamel (the outer layer of your tooth), and is low in acidity. In some studies it has been found that cheese and milk can help protect your child’s tooth enamel from degradation caused by high acidic foods. Just be sure to make it plain milk. Adding chocolate or strawberry flavoring adds a bunch of sugar, too.

Drinking plenty of water is also important for kids to satisfy thirst and keep their bodies hydrated. Healthy drinks provide these benefits without giving kids too many calories from sugar. Healthy drinks also protect the teeth from sugar and acid that can lead to cavities and pain.

Sparkling water with fresh fruit
If regular water just doesn’t cut it for your child, try sparkling water with fruit added. If your child likes sugary sodas, this is a good replacement beverage. Adding strawberries or something similar will sweeten it to taste, and although the fruit has natural sugars, it also has nutrients that your child’s body needs.