Top 9 Laryngitis Home Remedies

We talk about laryngitis home remedies within this post. Laryngitis is the loss of the voice or hoarseness, and it’s caused by swelling (inflammation) of your larynx, or voice box, as well as the voice folds.
The most prevalent cause of laryngitis is an upper respiratory infections like the common cold, that is caused by a virus. If the infection is bacterial, you should visit a physician to have antibiotic treatment.

The second most frequent cause of laryngitis is voice misuse or excessive use — such as shouting which can create hoarse.
The most frequent symptoms & causes of laryngitis
Laryngitis symptoms normally go away on their own within just 2 weeks. The symptoms of acute, or short-term, laryngitis consist of pain in the throat or around the larynx, hoarseness, raspiness, the loss of range (noticed especially by singers), tiring easily, and a scratchy feeling in the throat. Consistently clearing your throat can be another symptom.

If you suffer from chronic laryngitis, cigarette smoking might be the primary cause. Inhaling and exhaling tobacco smoke increases the mass of the larynx, lowering the pitch of the voice.

One astonishing cause of laryngitis is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). A GERD sufferer who feels no chest discomfort is unlikely to be aware that the acid-rich contents of their stomach are coming back up in their throat, especially during the night.

Laryngitis caused by GERD can make you feel like you have something trapped in your throat. People often mistake it for the mucus of postnasal drip. Symptoms are worse in the morning. You may wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, do a lot of throat clearing, and have hoarseness that gets better as the day goes on. If you suspicious GERD is triggering your laryngitis, see your physician.

Laryngitis is generally a short term hassle without severe outcomes. But often prolonged hoarseness or voice loss is your body’s way of informing you something is wrong. You need to see a medical doctor:

  • If pain is present
  • If the hoarseness continues for more than 72 hours
  • If you’ve got an upper respiratory infection with a fever that lasts more than a couple days
  • If you have any trouble breathing
  • If you notice a permanent change in the pitch of your voice, especially if you are a smoker
  • If you cough up blood

The problem might be as minor as a bacterial infection that requires medications. You could have polyps or nodules on your vocal folds that induce them to vibrate more slowly, altering the sound of your voice. Or you could have cancer of the larynx, which can be treated with radiation if found early.

Laryngitis home remedies:

Laryngitis is generally just a nuisance, but it can also be painful at times. You can help speed your recovery with the following laryngitis home remedies:

1. Rest your voice or speak softly. You do not have to stop talking completely, but use your voice as little as possible. Speak softly but do not whisper since whispering can in fact irritate your larynx more than speaking softly. Avoid chatting on the phone or trying to speak loudly.

2. Quit smoking and stay away from second hand smoke. Cigarette smoke irritates the throat and larynx and tends to make existing irritation even worse. If you can’t stop the habit entirely, at the very least cut way back whilst your throat is curing. If you are living with a cigarette smoker, ask him or her to take their habit outside.

3. Try to avoid clear your throat. Regardless of how tempting it feels, clearing your throat actually increases irritation. This can trigger more injuries and swelling of your larynx. Taking an over the counter cough medicines might help if you have a dry cough that doesn’t produce phlegm.

4. Use a humidifier in your home. Humidity helps to thin the mucus in the nasal membranes that causes stuffiness or postnasal drip.

5. Relieve nasal stuffiness. The nose helps to humidify inhaled air, which keeps mucus at its proper consistency. A saline nasal wash may help.

6. Treat and prevent gastroesophageal reflux. To help avoid or reduce the reflux which will worsen or damage your larynx, try not to eat right before you go to bed, reduce the amount of coffee and alcohol you drink, and eat healthy foods. Taking over the counter acid reducers may help when these prevention steps aren’t sufficient.

7. Abstain from alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates you – the opposite of what you and your voice need. Alcohol abuse can cause long-term vocal problems.

8. Protect your voice. To help your voice heal and to prevent future attacks of laryngitis, learn how to take care of your voice. Staying well hydrated is the first step. Avoiding voice abuse is the next. And if you depend on your voice in your career — whether you’re an opera singer or a traveling salesperson — you may want to invest in voice training.

9. Beware of certain drugs. Medications such as antihistamines and diuretics can dry your mouth and throat. Don’t stop your prescription diuretics (often prescribed for high blood pressure), but think twice about taking OTC antihistamines. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if any other medications you take could be drying.