Natural Remedies for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is perhaps the most common condition among elder people around the globe.

This is why there are many very efficient natural remedies for osteoporosis, some of which you find right below.

  • Horsetail. Make a decoction by adding 50 gr of horsetail in 1 L of water and leave for 3 hours and then boil for 30 minutes. Drink 3 cups of this tea per day (decoction is more indicated because concentration is higher compared to infusion). Horsetail contains silicon, a powerful trace element that has a paramount role in maintaining the integrity of the supportive tissue, sustaining the cartilage elasticity and bone solidity. Horsetail sitz baths are recommended by Maria Treben in case of osteoporosis, in her books.
  • Rice Flour. Mix together 200 gr of rice flour, 200 gr of honey, 50 gr of pollen and 100 ml of raw milk until you obtain a homogenous composition. Put the mix in a dark colored glass bowl and keep in in the fridge. Have 3 tablespoons daily, 2 hours before meals until it’s gone.
  • Salmon Calcitonin. Undergo a 6 months cure with salmon calcitonin, the hormone that favors the passage of calcium from the blood flow into the bones.
  • Bay Leaves. Boil 5 gr of bay leaves in 300 ml of water in a cover pot on low heat. Take off the fire and pour it into a thermos. Drink the bay tea in small sips for the next 12 hours (a 25 ml doze every hour). ATTENTION! Don’t drink it all at once because it can cause internal bleeding! Repeat the treatment 3 days in a row. In these three days have only freshly squeezed juices (2-3 L per day) and nothing else. In case of severe osteoporosis, repeat the procedure after one week. Afterwards, the cure can be repeated only after 1 year! This is one of the best natural ways to cleanse the articulations.
  • Calcium Citrate. Another amazing home remedy for osteoporosis is this one. Clean and grind the eggshells into a fine flour and then mix 1 tsp. of this flour with 1 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix until a foam is emerging. Add it into your food or eat separately, 2-3 tsp. per day.
  • Eggs and Lemons. If you suffer from a more advanced stage of osteoporosis, this is a great remedy for you. Put 7 white homemade eggs in a large sterile jar and pour over the juice from 12 lemons. Seal the jar and keep it in the fridge for the next 12 days. Stir daily with a wooden spoon. After the 12 days, pass the content through a sieve and mix the liquid with 500 ml of brandy and 200 gr of honey. Keep the mix in the fridge and drink a small quantity in between the meals of the day, three times per day.
  • Turnip Baths. Boil 3 kg of turnips (strain, leaves, and root) in 7-8 L of water for 10-15 minutes. Pour the concoction in the 39-40°C temperature bathwater and bathe in it. Drink a turnips tea made from 3-4 tablespoons of dried or fresh turnips per 1 L of water. Repeat the bath once a week and drink the tea after the bath is done.
  • Pine Branches. If you experience severe osteoporosis pains that won’t let you sleep at night, this is what you have to do. Cut 10-15 cm long pine branches and place them in a bucket or large pot and fill half the pot with them. Pour hot water over the branches and then put everything to boil on high heat for 5 minutes. In the evening, slip the concoction, pour it in your warm bathwater and add 0.5 kg of salt as well. Sit in the bathtub for 20 minutes and when you get out, don’t wipe your body, but slightly pad it with a clean towel. Repeat this bath 5-6 times, twice a week
  • Millet Flour. Mix 3-4 tbsp. of millet flour with 150 ml of water and have this daily. The millet flour cure lasts for at least 6 weeks and you’ll see that, articulation pains will slowly go away.
  • Massage. Massage your body with a dried natural sponge, also called loofah by rubbing well on the skin. The massage starts from your toes and fingers and goes all the way up, and not any other way around. Afterwards, anoint the body with olive oil in the same way. Repeat the massage 3 times per week.

We sure hope that at least one of these natural remedies for osteoporosis will offer you the help that you need in the battle against osteoporosis.

Along with some diet recommendations for osteoporosis, we are sure you’ll become a healthy person once again!