How Many Calories Are There in a Cucumber?

You may be wondering about the calories in a cucumber. To get this answer, it is important to note if the cucumber is peeled, pickled, or in relish form. You also need to consider whether it is a whole cucumber, a slice, a spear, or a cup of slices. There are also different cucumber varieties but they are very similar in their number of calories.

In one cucumber, which on average is 8 inches and weighs 10.6 ounces, contains 45 calories, 3 of which come from fat. A peeled cucumber of 8 inches that is 9.9 ounces has 33 calories. One cup of cucumber slices, which weigh 3.7 ounces, has 16 calories. One cup of peeled cucumber slices has 14 calories. One ounce of cucumber has 4 calories. A cucumber slice without the peel has 1 calorie. In a pickled, 4 inch cucumber, there are 15 calories. A pickle slice has 5 calories. A sweet pickled cucumber of the small variety has 12 calories, while a large one has up to 28 calories. One spear has 16 calories. A sour pickles cucumber of the small variety has 4 calories, while a large one that is 4 inches long has 15 calories. A spear has about 3 calories. Sweet pickled relish has 20 calories per tablespoon.

There are a few different types of cucumbers, such as slicing cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, and burpless, among others. Slicing cucumber have a tough skin, are smooth, and long in shape. They are cultivated for eating fresh. Pickling cucumbers on the other hand are made to be pickled and compared to slicing cucumbers, they are shorter, thicker, and have bumpier skin. They are usually found sold in jars unless they are a homemade variety and not store-bought. It should be noted that the process of pickling cucumbers will degrade their nutritional value. Burpless cucumbers have a thinner skin and sweeter taste compared to other varieties.

Cucumbers are native to Southeast Asia but today, they can be found growing on most continents. China is the largest producer of cucumbers, growing over 40 tons a year! A cucumber is actually a fruit from the melon family and it is about 90% water. Cucumber is a great diuretic meaning it helps clean out our kidneys and removes waste when we use the bathroom. Cucumber also has temperature regulating properties, so consider snacking on some when you are hot or have a fever – it will help you cool down.

With regular use they are known to eliminate kidney stones. They will also help your skin glow since the contain silicon, potassium, and magnesium. The silicon is also helpful for hair growth.

Cucumbers are very high in Vitamin C, which is necessary for a strong immune system. They are highly alkaline which is good to help neutralize acidity in the body from eating too many processed and/or unhealthy foods.

Cucumbers are a great source of Vitamin B6, which helps to prevent kidney stones. It can also aid against symptoms of PMS like breast pain, skin eruptions, and bloating. Vitamin B6 is also necessary for healthy brain function and the formation of red blood cells.

Cucumbers have a lot of Vitamin A, which is a cancer fighter since it prevents cancerous cells from replicating. It can also be helpful in helping your body overcome diseases and viruses.

Cucumbers have Thiamin, or Vitamin B1, is required for the breakdown of fats and proteins. It also contributes to healthy nerves and prevents them from dying. Thiamin is beneficial to eye health since it prevents the formation of cataracts.

Cucumbers are a good source of riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2. It also helps prevents cataracts like Vitamin B1. It can also help alleviate migraine episodes if you suffer from these types of headaches.

Potassium can be found in cucumbers and it is necessary for successful muscle function and energy levels. Potassium helps muscles grow properly and stimulates cell growth in general. It is also helpful against feelings of anxiety and stress since it helps regulate hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

Cucumbers contain phosphorus, which is necessary for bone formation since bones are made in part by phosphate. Phosphorus is also needed for the successful absorption of riboflavin, and in the communication between nerves.

Cucumbers have pantothenic acid, or Vitamin B5. They help with a host of problems such as respiratory disorders, hair loss, heart problems, osteoarthritis, signs of aging, skin disorders, and diabetes. Vitamin B5 is also helpful against stress and anxiety.

Cucumbers contain manganese, which is needed for collagen formation, the maintenance of healthy nerves, and the production of sex hormones. It also helps protect against anemia, and it helps the body absorb and use nutrients like biotin, choline, thiamine, and Vitamin E.

Cucumbers are low in sodium, low in saturated fat, and have no cholesterol.

They are also a popular beauty staple – if your eyes are puffy, put a couple of cucumber slices and lie down for 15 minutes. The minerals and vitamins like ascorbic acid in the cucumber will help alleviate the puffiness. They can also help with the appearance of dark circles thanks to the silica. If you have stayed out in the sun for too long and are left with a sunburn, put cucumber on your skin – it will soothe the burning sensation because of the cucumber’s cooling properties. You can also use cucumber as a toner since it will help make pores appear smaller and improve your complexion by fading scars.

Whether eaten or applied to the skin, the benefits of cucumbers are plenty. Add them to your salads, sandwiches, or enjoy them with hummus or other dips. Use them as part of your beauty regimen for extra help. You can also try adding them to your water to give it some flavor and make a refreshing drink any time of the year.