Health benefits of Coconuts

Coconut is actually a heart healthy food that can keep your body running smoother in a few different ways. Coconut is low in calories and naturally cholesterol free. Coconut oil is naturally refreshing and sweet in taste. Coconut is very effective in many diseases like thyroid, heart, cancer and HIV.
Coconut belongs to the Palm family and grown in Malaysia, Polynesia and southern Asia. Coconut oil is used for hair care, skin care and to regulate the metabolism.

Health benefits of Coconuts

For smooth and shiny skin: Coconut oil is perfect massage oil and very healthy for skin. Coconut oil is without any chemical or additives can protect our skin from many diseases and it is better than artificial sun creams. Coconut oil helps to repair the damage cells of our skin. Coconut oil cleans the toxin from our skin and keeps our skin healthy.

Keeps hydrated: Professional tennis player John Isner credits coconuts water with keeping him on his feet for his epic 11 hour marathon Wimbledon tennis win. According to Isner “It is super hydrating and has kept me going in long matches and preventing me from cramping even in the hottest and most humid conditions”. Coconut water is low in calories and rich in potassium that helps to keep our energy level up. Compared to other sports drinks coconut water has fewer calories, less sodium and high amount of potassium. It has less sugar than sports drinks and coconut water is chemical free so it is very good for health as compared to other drinks.

Improve Diabetes: The healthy fat in coconut oil is very effective to regulate the blood sugar in our body. Coconut oil allows our cells to feed without the aid of insulin. Coconut oil is one of the best foods for diabetes. Dr Bruce Fife says that “Every cell in our bodies needs a continual supply of either glucose or fatty acids to fuel meta bolic functions and keep them alive. If the cells can’t get enough glucose they weaken and die”. The benefit of coconut oil is it doesn’t require insulin to enter and feed cells.

Boost immunity: Coconut is very good for immunity system because coconut is antiviral, antifungal, anti bacterial and anti parasitic. Coconut oil protects our body from viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Regular intake coconut oil can help to treat some of the worst and most resilient illness like throat infections, bronchitis and urinary tract infection.

Weight loss: Raw coconut is rich in medium chain triglycerides which is a type of dietary fat that may encourage weight loss. According to Ceylon Medical Journal “Medium chain triglycerides convert into monoglycerides and medium chain free fatty acids during digestion. As a result raw coconut may promote a healthy body weight and helps to stay fit”.