11 Easy Home Remedies For Yeast Infection Treatment

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection Treatment : Yeast infection is a condition that’s rarely serious, typically common but causes great discomfort. And for that very reason, immediate treatment is a must.

For those who are unaware, yeast infection is when the excessive growth of a type of fungus namely the candida albicans occurs in the vagina, causing reddishness, itch and burning sensation. It also occurs when the production lactobacillus, a healthy type of bacteria present in vagina that maintains the pH and yeast levels, is low. Another reason that leads to this condition is decline in estrogen levels, which in turn thins the vagina walls and thereby making it prone to infection.
Besides the vagina, yeast infection may also occur in areas such as armpits, under the breasts, nail beds and buttocks. Fortunately, with very little effort it can be treated at home. Here is a list of 11 home remedies for yeast infection that will provide you instant relief and cure the infection in no time.

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection Treatment

1. Oral antifungal

Oral antifungal served its purpose well in a lot of yeast infection cases. It has proven to decrease the rate of recurring infections by 90% according to a study conducted by the Wayne State University School of Medicine. 43% of the cases were cured completely with consumption of oral anti-fungal.

2. Probiotics/ Yogurt For Yeast Infection

Yogurt  contains healthy bacteria. When consumed daily, though not scientifically proven, many women swear by it that it helps balance the level of yeast production in vagina and thus cure infection gradually. It was also proven that placing probiotic tablet directly in the vagina once a night for the first week has shown a drop in the infection by 87%.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is well known for its antifungal and anti-inflammation properties and is pretty effective in killing any sort of bacteria, including that of a yeast infection. Apply coconut oil directly on the infected area twice a day. You may also mix with a few drops of cinnamon oil for better results.

4. Garlic

Due to its natural antibiotic and antifungal properties, garlic is a solution for a wide array of skin conditions, from eczema, to hives and yeast infection. All you have to do is to crush a clove or two of garlic and dilute with few drops of coconut oil. Then apply this on the infected area and rinse off after 30 minutes.  Another method is to consume orally garlic everyday.

5. Apple cider vinegar

ACV is at it again! Like I always tell you, there’s almost nothing ACV can’t cure. For this condition, white vinegar can serve the purpose as well. The mild acidity content of apple cider vinegar helps in killing bacteria and provide instant relief to itchiness. Mix equal parts of ACV and water, then apply it onto the infected area. It may sting a little at first, but provides relief the next minute. You may rinse off after some time.  Another method is to add ½ cup of vinegar to your bath and soak you body in it for 30 minutes or so.

6. Tea tree oil for Yeast Infection

We must remind you that no scientific studies have managed to prove its efficiency yet. However, it has been claimed to bring relief to the itch immediately when applied. We suggest that you dilute it with some coconut oil first before apply on the infected area. You may leave it overnight.

7. Boric acid

Boric acid does play a promising role when it comes to fighting vaginal yeast infection. It has a mild antiseptic and antifungal property but however is not suitable to be used by pregnant women. All you have to do is to dilute some boric acid with water, and then apply on the infected area. Leave it on for two to three minutes before rinsing off.

8. Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice helps maintain the pH of urine and kill the bacteria found in urinary tract, intestines and even your mouth. The antiseptic substance found in cranberry juice also prevents the overgrowth of fungi, and thus cures yeast infection gradually. Drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice daily foe the best results. Do not take sweetened one as yeast thrives on sugar, thus might worsen the infection.

9. Oregano oil

Oregano oil contains similar properties as tea tree oil and needs to be diluted before application. To dilute, you may use virgin olive oil, or coconut oil. You may also take the oregano oil capsules on daily basis for best results.

10. Olive leaves extract

Olive leaves are packed with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties that can help fight bacteria overall. It also aids in restoring of the healthy bacteria in your body and thus prevent further infection. To make an olive leaf extract at home, chop finely some fresh olive leaves and put them in a jar with a lid. Then pour in some vodka until the leaves are completely covered, close the lid tightly and leave it in a dark place for about four weeks.  Later, strain this liquid into another storage jar. You may apply this extract twice daily for best results.

11. Calendula

Apparently this is also one of the most effective home remedies for yeast infection that many women swore by. Crush two to three calendula leaves and apply it directly on the infected area. Leave it on until it dries, then you may rinse off. Another way is to take the calendula tea.