Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

With the current ways of living, it is safe to predict that in the next few years, over 50% of the world’s elderly population will be battling hemorrhoids. Frequently seen among those of ages between 45 years and 70 years, this condition is slowly growing into a common disorder in people of both genders. Hemorrhoids, also referred to as piles, are defined as a common problem occurring when veins in the rectum and anus are swollen and become painful, resulting in either internal hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum whereas external hemorrhoids occur on those veins that are around the anus.

In one sense, we all have this disorder albeit it becomes harmful when the veins swell and become distended, resembling the leg’s varicose veins. However, external hemorrhoids are the most uncomfortable, especially when there are blood clots. The clot will dissolve, resulting in an irritation on the affected region of the skin. Internal hemorrhoids are almost harmless apart from the little blood when using a tissue paper around the anus region. Regardless of all these, hemorrhoids are traditionally associated with prolonged sitting at the toilet, chronic constipation as well as straining during bowel actions. In fact, hemorrhoids these allegations tend to agree with the fact that this condition is most prevalent among pregnant mothers. Below are some of the useful Home remedies for hemorrhoids that will definitely be useful to everyone.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Cold compress or ice massage

Since hemorrhoids are attributed to swelling of blood vessels around the anus it can be highly prudent to shrink and constrict them so that they are no longer painful. This can be done using pieces of ice, wrapped in a piece of cloth or an icepack and applying it around the hemorrhoids for several times every day. In fact, this is typically the first home remedy as it offers instant relief from itching. You will experience little difficulties once the swelling is reduced.

Apple cider vinegar

One of the world’s most popular home treatment methods against piles is using pure and home cedar vinegar. Using a piece of cotton wool or a cotton ball, dip it on the vinegar and carefully apply on the itching hemorrhoids. For external hemorrhoids, application can be easy unlike on internal hemorrhoids which will require consuming a teaspoonful of dissolved solution in which itching and relieving the pain will be instant. Several days of this procedure will eliminate the inflammation associated with this condition. It is indeed one of the effective home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera

When it comes to proven and effective natural plants that treat hemorrhoids, you are less likely to miss aloe vera. Its use dates back to many years ago when its extracts would be applied on the affected region, a practice that is still common around at homes in the world today. Its richness in anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties means that its usage on hemorrhoids guarantees timely a relief. It is safe to use on both internal and external hemorrhoids. For internal use, you will cut it into strips after removing all the thorns and then freeze it. Thereafter, carefully apply it on the itching parts of the rectum. Its effect is almost instant, eliminating all the pain. External hemorrhoids can be treated by using special aloe vera gel in which careful application every day is recommended.

Psyllium husk

The worst form of torture for any hemorrhoids is when they experience hard stool. Besides the bleeding every time they visit the washrooms, the pain that accompanies the stool is simply immense. The pain is as a result of the extra stress applied on the veins. However, Psyllium husk with fiber will help rectify this condition by softening the stool. However, consuming this mixture everyday will not only ensure a softer stool but also ample time for the veins and the affected regions of the rectum and anus to heal.

Olive oil

Olive oil is an excellent against hemorrhoids as it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This oil will work to treat external hemorrhoids by increasing the overall elasticity of the veins in the anus, soothing the affected part and thereby reducing discomfort. Passing of stool will not be as painful as before because of the elastic vessels. As a powerful home remedy against hemorrhoids, you can choose to use olive oil in your food in smaller quantities every day.

Other Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Lemon juice

When directly applied on the paining region, lemon juice’s antioxidant and anti-inflammation properties will ensure that you are quickly relieved of the pain since it will strengthen the walls of the blood vessels. For maximum benefits, you can consume the juice with ginger and honey.

Almond oil

Almond oil is typically used to treat external hemorrhoids because of its emollient and deep tissue absorption properties. A little application of this oil not only moisturizes the affected part but also relieves the burning pain, the itching sensation and irritation around the anus. For maximum benefits, it is often better to use this solution several times every day.


Besides using any of the above home remedies to treat hemorrhoids, you can soak yourself in a tub of warm water for a few hours. This will make the blood vessels around the anus to relax, eliminating the itching and pain. Alternatively, you can simply soak the inflamed area for up to 20 minutes in warm water and then gently wiping it with a clean towel. This form of home remedy is the easiest and certainly the most effective.

Witch hazel

This healing tree is among the oldest known home remedies for hemorrhoids. A little application of this herb on the paining region every day will reduce the pain and itching until it heals.


Although this component is found in several types of fruits including grapefruits and lemons, it is more effective when it is acquired as a supplement. Rutin promotes faster healing against hemorrhoids.


It’s plainly evident that while hemorrhoids is a commonplace today, there are several home based remedies that will eventually wipe out its onset in the body. Home remedies for hemorrhoids have been in existence even before the discovery of the many modern methods of dealing with this disorder and are proven to be effective. In the end, this condition will be solved.