Carrot Juice Benefits: From Antioxidants to Detox

Despite being overfed many people are clinically undernourished: lacking the essential nutrients required for optimal wellbeing.  Modern farming practices have demineralized the soil and we overcook our food and industrially process the nutrients right out of it.  The sheer volume of fruit and vegetables required to provide your body with sufficient nutrients can be overwhelming.  However, one simple alternative is juicing and one of the best ingredients is the humble carrot.

By juicing fruits and vegetables you obtain the highly nutritious elixir without the indigestible and bulky fiber.  Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices provides the body vital nutrients, in the quantities needed to have a dramatic effect on physical and mental wellbeing.

Carrots are one of the most beneficial and versatile ingredients you can add into a fresh juice.  Their natural sweetness makes them especially tasty, extremely useful if you are new to juicing or trying to get your kids into it.  Packed full of health promoting nutrients, carrots do so much more than help you see in the dark.


Benefit #1. Anti-oxidants

Carrots contain many phytonutrients which are natural anti-oxidants, which prevent the damage from dangerous oxidative free radicals
Free radicals have been linked to various diseases and premature aging
Phytonutrients are also known to prevent and even treat cancers

Benefit #2. Cleansing

Carrots detoxify the liver which has a positive effect on the skin
The natural cleansing effect keeps skin looking fresh and youthful
As a natural diuretic carrots help you flush out toxins
Fatty build-ups in the arteries are also broken down and cleared out

Benefit #3. Full of Vitamins

Pro-vitamin A, also called beta-carotene, gives carrots their orange color
Beta-carotene is considered an essential nutrient as the body cannot produce it
The liver converts beta-carotene into Vitamin A for use throughout the body
Vitamin A is especially beneficial for those struggling with blemished and a must-have for those juicing for acne
Carrots are also high in: Vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6

Benefit #4. Abundant in Essential Minerals

Carrots are a yummy source of essential minerals that support everything from bone health to cardiovascular health, like:
Calcium: keeps bones strong and heart muscle healthy
Phosphorus: makes skin softer and teeth stronger
Magnesium: helps you absorb nutrients and improves memory

Benefit #5. Health Promoting

As a natural anti-inflammatory carrots calm our overstressed immune systems
Carrots nourish white blood cells which form a vital part of our immune defenses
Pectin lowers cholesterol and supports ‘good’ bacteria residing in the colon
Carrots prevent the natural degeneration of the eye associated with old age


Like many vegetables, a significant amount of the nutrients in carrots are found just underneath the skin, so don’t peel them. Simply clean them and chop to fit your juicer, the green tops can also be juiced so nothing is wasted. Since carrots grow directly in the soil they will readily absorb any added chemicals, so it is important to only use organic carrots.

When selecting your carrots smaller ones are sweeter, but avoid baby ones as they haven’t finished growing and developing yet.  The sweet flavor can be used to ‘disguise’ or compliment the taste of more bitter vegetables, making carrot juice an ideal base to work from. The darker the color the more beta-carotene carrots contain, so more Vitamin A can be produced by your liver.

There is a common misconception that if you drink too much carrot juice it will turn you orange, but this isn’t true. Carrots have such a powerful detoxifying effect on the liver that it can release a lot of toxins into the blood. Sometimes the body cannot flush these toxins out quickly enough via the usual route, the urine. The skin is therefore used as a secondary method to get rid of the toxins and can become discolored.  Drinking plenty of water will help flush out these toxins and remedy this temporary tinting!

Available on almost every continent, carrots have a long history of being used to promote health and support the body.  The latest scientific research suggests carrots protect us from cancer and other debilitating diseases.  Full of essential nutrients and with a sweet gentle flavor carrots are very popular with the health conscious consumer. Have you juiced a carrot today? Just like apples they will help keep the doctor away!