Best & most effective natural home remedies for Headaches That Actually Work

Workload, family issues their demands, skimpy sleep schedules—everyday stresses can give you a severe headache everyday.Headache pain can make routine life a miserable challenge which compels us to head straight for the aspirin.When you take such pain killers all you’re doing is smothering your symptoms & ignoring the real causes of your headache.

Headaches, including migraines, are common. Because there are variety of headache causes, some headache sufferers seek cure on a daily basis. Luckily, there are many home-remedies that can help relieve migraine pain and other types of headaches. Try these natural remedies to help ease your headache pain.

  • Eating 10-12 Almonds is the same as taking two aspirin for a Headache. People who suffer from migraines may find that almonds are a trigger food
  • Drink 1 glass of cool water if reason behind your headache is dehydration.
  • Try Ginger. Add water to 1 tablespoon Ginger powder, heat gently in a pan. Apply the warm poultice on the forehead for 15 minutes. If you don’t have ginger powder, you can also chew raw ginger root.
  • Soaking your feet in hot water will help your head feel better. For a really bad headache add mustard powder and salt to the water.
  • Apples can help to alleviate Headaches. During Headache you can eat an apple with some salt. Else you can add 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass full of water and drink it for immediate relief.
  • Take a warm bath, many headaches are caused by contracted muscles and a hot bath will relax those muscles.
  • If it is a stress headache, Exercising can relieve it. 30 minutes walk daily helps you to relax your body, and also do Yoga it will get your mind focused, stretch out your muscles, & get you moving in ways that can help you drop the tension-and if you drop the tension, you can drop the tension-headache.
  • Drink mint juice for immediate headache relief.
  • Basil leaves with honey tea,  ginger in lemon juice and crushed cloves helps to alleviate headache.
  • you can also apply ice pack on your forehead & multiple small meals also help you cure headache.