5 Italian Herbs That Are Good For Health

Italian cooking is all about making the most of the freshest ingredient that you can find including herbs. You will notice that the healthy lifestyle they lead and the rich flavour that comes from their cooking is because of fresh herbs.

Here Are 5 Italian Herbs That Are Good For Health

1. Basil

This is one of the most popular and common herbs that you an find in Italian cooking. It has a sharp anise flavor. It is used for different kinds of sauces and seasonings, especially pesto and it surely goes very well with different ingredients, especially tomatoes. The basil has a sweetness that works well with the acidity of the tomato sauces too. You can just tear and add the same to the sauces. Basil is known for enhancing the taste of food and adds more flavor. Basil is known for fighting infections, enhances immunity and also adds a succulent taste

2. Bay Leaf

This is again used in Italian stews, sauces and even soups. It enhances the overall taste and can be used in both dry and fresh forms. Bay leaf is known to enhance your overall taste buds. It is known for fighting some forms of cancer and boosts immunity too.

3. Parsley

Parsley is again used dominantly with different kinds of sauces and works best in combination with onions and garlics. It can be used for making exclusive sauces or used as as seasoning. Parsley helps in detoxification and cleansing of the system. It is also very highly recommended for weight loss and fighting common infections.

4. Thyme

Those suffering from nasal infections and allergies can enjoy a hearty dish seasoned with thyme be it mushrooms or potatoes based. Thyme helps is mostly used as subtle seasoning with potatoes and white sauces, but it is known for drastically reducing the risks of heart diseases.

5. Rosemary

Rosemary is known for being used with potatoes, pork and beef. Along with the aroma and flavour it adds to the food, rosemary is well known for healing different kinds of internal infections. It also prevents bloating or oedema issues. The smell of rosemary is known to trigger off the taste buds and thus stimulates hunger too.