15 Superb Benefits Of Cardamom Tea For Skin, Hair And Health

Cardamom is extensively used for culinary purpose for its strong aroma and unique flavor. Also referred to as ‘Queen of Spices’, it is well known for its medicinal value and has been an integral part of traditional medicine for curing several ailments. Cardamom oil is used in aromatherapy for its refreshing and relaxing nature. The aromatic and intoxicating cardamom tea is an integral part of the diet for those living in the eastern side of the world. The many benefits of cardamom tea for skin, hair and health are described below.

Benefits of Cardamom Tea

Fights Free Radicals

The antioxidants present in cardamom tea helps in eliminating free radicals thereby reducing the risk of developing ailments like cancer.
Skin Problems

Cardamom tea is packed with anti-microbial agents, vitamins and minerals. Hence, it helps fix various kinds of skin problems like acne, eczema etc.
Delays Premature Ageing

Cardamom is an excellent detoxifying agent. It removes toxins and reduces free radical damage thus delaying premature ageing.
Strengthens Your Hair

Regular intake of cardamom tea will strengthen weak strands and makes it shiny and healthy. This is possible due to the anti-oxidative property of the cardamom seeds.
Scalp Infections

The anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties of cardamom will protect the scalp from various types of infections..
Improves Digestion

Cardamom tea boosts digestion and fights problems such as constipation, bloating, heartburn, acidity and nausea. It also enhances the flavor of the food and increases appetite.

Cardamom tea has excellent aphrodisiac agents such as eucalyptol, camphor and borneol. Hence, it works as an aphrodisiac agent. Also, it is used to increase and sustain libido. It increases sperm and egg count too.
Blood Pressure

The diuretic property of cardamom and the presence of mineral potassium make cardamom a great remedy for those suffering from high blood pressure. Diuretic property helps in maintaining normal blood pressure while the potassium lowers high BP.
Prevents Cold

Cardamom is known for its warming properties. Hence, it is used to fight ailments like flu and cold. It is an excellent home remedy to treat sore throat and congestion.
Improves Blood Circulation

Cardamom is used to treat symptoms associated with bronchitis and asthma. It improves blood circulation in the lungs thereby giving relief to the patient.

The detoxifying property of cardamom helps in removing toxic waste from the body. It helps in rejuvenating the cells and enhances its performance. The ingredients found in the cardamom tea helps in improving oxygen supply to the brain cells. Hence, it is used to fight depression effectively.
Oral Health

Cardamom has a strong aroma. This is used in the treatment of bad breath. The aroma of cardamom tea will instantly refresh your mouth and keep bad odor at bay. The tea is beneficial for treating tooth decay, gum bleeding and oral infections. The antibacterial effects of cardamom have been used in the Chinese medicine since centuries to cure oral problems.
Relieves Acidity

Cardamom tea fortifies the mucosal lining present in the stomach and increases the saliva secretion. Besides stimulating the salivary glands, it also stimulates the stomach lining to function in a better way.
Cardiovascular Health

Regular intake of cardamom tea will enhance cardiac health. It regulates the blood pressure and helps maintain a regular cardiac rhythm. It is a natural cure for hypertension and heart diseases. It minimizes the possibilities of developing blood clots in the blood stream and lessens the risk of stroke.
Relieves Headache

Are you suffering from headache? Well, just have a cup of aromatic cardamom tea or chew on cardamom seeds. This will relieve your headache quickly.