Lemon water is a refreshing beverage, but it also offers an array of health benefits. Lemon contains a number of antioxidants and critical nutrients that your body requires for optimal vitality and health. A glass of lemon water first thing in the morning helps to wake you up and prepare you for the day. Understanding how lemon water can help you keeps you motivated to drink it regularly.


Lemons are a citrus fruit so they are packed with immune-healthy vitamin C. This vitamin helps to strengthen your immune system so that it is well-equipped to fight off illness. It reduces the frequency of illness by helping the body to fight bacteria and viruses.


Potassium is a nutrient that plays a role in many body systems, including the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. It helps to stop free radicals from doing damage, regulates your blood pressure and aids in cell formation.
This electrolyte must be kept in good balance because if it gets too low or too high, you can experience significant health problems. This water can also help to boost your energy so you can maintain a healthy body.


A major component of a healthy body is ensuring that the pH is in balance. If your body is to alkaline or too acidic, you will have problems. Lemon water helps your body to find and maintain the proper balance.


cardio-healthYour cardiovascular system helps with everything from walking through your house to running to your car in the rain so you must keep it healthy. So you need to get regular cardiovascular exercise, but this water mixture can give you a boost.
Lemon water’s antioxidants help to fight free radicals and get toxins out of the body. The high potassium content also helps to relax the heart muscles, promoting a healthier heart.


Your lungs need to be healthy or else you can experience significant problems. If you have issues like asthma or something like mild bronchial issues, regular consumption of lemon water may help to promote better respiratory health.


Your kidneys rely on regular filtration and urination to be at their best and this water happens to be a natural diuretic which helps to ensure regular urination. This gets waste materials and toxins flushed out of the body so that they do not have time to accumulate and cause any damage.


Indigestion is incredibly uncomfortable and it can really dampen your day. A single glass of lemon water that consists of lukewarm water and the juice from a few lemons can help to reduce the bloating, stomachache and abdominal cramping. It helps to promote optimal digestion by stimulating digestive juice secretion.


clear-skinClear skin exudes youth and health so you want to do everything you can to achieve and maintain it. This water mixture keeps skin radiant and clear by purging toxic materials from the blood. The skin on your face is rejuvenated from the inside out thanks to the high vitamin C content.


Getting older is inevitable, but this does not mean you have to settle for wrinkles and sagging skin. This water mixture helps to combat free radicals due to its high antioxidant content and the rich dose of vitamin C it contains. This water helps to repair skin cells that are damaged, as well as reduce blemishes, deep furrows, fine lines and wrinkles.


Acne, blackheads and minor skin infections can kill your confidence so keeping these at bay is important. The astringent properties of lemon water can help to heal your skin from the inside out.
When you first get up in the morning have a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach to reap the benefits.


strong-hairStrong hair is far more resilient to breakage and other damage, but keeping your hair in shape is no easy task. Lemon water can help a little bit because it helps to improve the strength of your hair at the follicles and roots. It also helps to promote new hair growth by acting as a stimulant for your hair follicles.


Clean hair is important because your hair is one of the first things people notice when they see you. Clean hair is also a lot easier to style and take care of throughout the day. Lemon water has astringent properties which helps to reduce hair oiliness.
This is due to this water helping to reduce how much oil the sebaceous glands on the scalp produce. When less oil is produced, the hair follicles are clear and your hair maintains cleanliness longer.


When it comes to beautiful and strong hair, this starts at the scalp so you want to do everything possible to ensure optimal health. Regular consumption of lemon water helps to eliminate dandruff and alleviate scalp dryness. This helps in two ways because it eliminates and irritant and by eliminating this irritant is makes you less likely to scratch and impair the integrity of the skin on your scalp.


faster-illness-recoveryLemons work hard to help the body during times of illness and injury. For example, a mild gum bleed is helped by swishing lukewarm lemon water around in your mouth for about a minute. It can also help when you have a fever, throat infections that stem from bacteria or even just a basic sore throat.