For proper function of your liver, you need to drink this remedy. In addition we are going to present you one drink which will make your life healthy, and you will recommend this to everyone.

The unhealthy habits are increasing in our way of life, so we need to do something which will help you to change the unhealthy lifestyle. It will protect your liver, boos it and make it eliminate the toxins faster.

This drink is called detoxification drink.
It will cleanse your organism, especially your liver.
In case the liver is damaged, it is very hard to notice that, because the symptoms are covered very well. So you will heal your liver only with detox drinks. In addition we are going to present you the best:

Ingredients needed:

  • Orange juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Organic honey
  • A fistful of fresh mint leaves
  • One liter of purified water


Pour the water in a pot and place the pot on heat to boil. Add the mint leaves and let them boil in the water for about five minutes. Five minutes later, remove the pot from heat and leave it aside for several minutes to cool. Next, add the orange and lemon juice to the mixture and the grated lemon peel. In the end, sweeten the mixture with some honey.
Drink this mixture while it is hot or drink it cold, as you wish. The most important thing is that it will cleanse your liver and it will improve your digestive system.

How to Lower Bad Cholesterol and Cleanse Your Blood Vessels in just 40 Days?

In order to eliminate the toxins in your blood, increase the blood vessels elasticity and flash their fat away, it is recommended cleansing which can be performed in several ways. But we want to forget the pharmaceutical drugs and medicine and we turn to only natural ways of cleaning our blood.

We should know that the cleaning of the blood vessels with drugs can cause dangerous reactions.

Because of that, to clean the blood vessels and also to lower bad cholesterol, natural remedies are safer ways; therefore this treatment requires caution and proper access if you want to save your health.

Garlic and lemon are considered as excellent products which clean the blood vessels and lower bad cholesterol; they restore the walls of the blood vessels and reduce the risk of many dangerous diseases like atherosclerosis.
This powerful remedy with lemon and garlic has been used by Russian people for centuries.

Also, this curing tincture prevents creation of cancerous cells which is confirmed many times by scientific researches. Garlic contains a large amount of antioxidants and also plays an important role in the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation.

Garlic and Lemon tincture


4 bulbs of garlic

4 medium lemons

3 l. of boiled or distilled water


Divide the bulbs into cloves and clean them properly. Once the water is boiled pour it over the lemons and chop them into pieces. After that grind all this with a meat grinding machine.

Place the mixture in a 3 liters glass jar and pour it with warm water to the top. Close properly the jar and leave it in the refridgerator for 3 days. Then drain the mixture and keep it in the refrigerator.

 How to use this tincture?

The maximum dose you can take from this tincture is 50 ml, three times a day, before meals.

However, if you use it for cleaning the blood vessels, you should start with a lower dose (1-2 tablespoons).

If you don’t have any inconveniences, the dose should gradually increase.

This treatment is carried out for 40 days. It is recommended to be implemented once a year, and before doing this treatment you must consult with a doctor.

After the consumption, you can note better blood circulation and improved lipid composition. Also normalizes your blood pressure, improves brain function and circulation and one more thing – less weight.

This drink Is The Jewel Of The German Folk Medicine: Only A Glass Cleans Arteries And Prevents The Most Serious Diseases

This is an amazing drink that is made of purely natural ingredients and has enormous benefits on you health and body. It consists of garlic, lemon, water and ginger.

Here is how to prepare it:


  • One small ginger root (3-4cm)
  • 4 lemons
  • 4 large garlic heads
  • 2 l clean water

Wash the lemons well and cut them in pieces. Then, peel the garlic and add it in a blender, together with the lemons and the ginger.  When blended, pour the mixture in a metal pot.
Add 2 liters of water and heat everything together until it almost starts to boil. Then, turn off the heat, and let everything cool. Strain the concoction through a medium strainer and pour it in glass bottles. If you do not like the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey.


Take one cup of this drink on an empty stomach every day. Always shake the drink before consuming it. Take this drink for 3 days, and then make one week break. Then you may continue in this cycle.
In only three weeks, you will see and feel the regeneration of your body. Here are some of the

benefits of this drink:

Naturally boosts the immune system Treatment and prevention of infections and colds Regulation of increased levels of blood lipids Natural liver cleanse  Treatment and prevention of blocked arteries Prevents fatigue Prevention of free radicals in our body that causes the most serious diseases and a lot of other conditions connected with heart disease and circulatory system Prevention of calcification in the body that causes stones in organs and clogging of blood vessels.

She Was Drinking Carrot Juice Every Morning for 8 Months, and Then the Unthinkable Happened

Ann Cameron, the popular children book author, was diagnosed with 3rd stage colon cancer a couple of years ago. Doctors recommended chemotherapy as a treatment, which she refused after seeing
what it did to her late husband who died from lung cancer. However, she underwent a surgery until the cancer returned and entered the 4th stage 6 months later.

Still, Ann refused chemotherapy and started looking for alternative treatments. This is when she stumbled upon the case of Ralph Cole, a young man who shared his cancer story on his personal blog. Ralph was able to beat the disease by consuming 2.5 kg. of carrot juice every day, so having nothing to lose, Ann decided to try the same method.

2 months afterwards, the tumor started to shrink, and the swelling of her organs was reduced. After 8 months, Ann went on a CT scan which showed no traces of her colon cancer – she was finally free of the disease!

Carrots contain a rich amount of carotene, a powerful antioxidant which prevents tumor formation. The same antioxidant can fight cancer naturally and without the awful side-effects of chemotherapy. In the end, Ann thanked Ralph for his story, and published her own on her website.

Health benefits of Coconuts

Coconut is actually a heart healthy food that can keep your body running smoother in a few different ways. Coconut is low in calories and naturally cholesterol free. Coconut oil is naturally refreshing and sweet in taste. Coconut is very effective in many diseases like thyroid, heart, cancer and HIV.
Coconut belongs to the Palm family and grown in Malaysia, Polynesia and southern Asia. Coconut oil is used for hair care, skin care and to regulate the metabolism.

Health benefits of Coconuts

For smooth and shiny skin: Coconut oil is perfect massage oil and very healthy for skin. Coconut oil is without any chemical or additives can protect our skin from many diseases and it is better than artificial sun creams. Coconut oil helps to repair the damage cells of our skin. Coconut oil cleans the toxin from our skin and keeps our skin healthy.

Keeps hydrated: Professional tennis player John Isner credits coconuts water with keeping him on his feet for his epic 11 hour marathon Wimbledon tennis win. According to Isner “It is super hydrating and has kept me going in long matches and preventing me from cramping even in the hottest and most humid conditions”. Coconut water is low in calories and rich in potassium that helps to keep our energy level up. Compared to other sports drinks coconut water has fewer calories, less sodium and high amount of potassium. It has less sugar than sports drinks and coconut water is chemical free so it is very good for health as compared to other drinks.

Improve Diabetes: The healthy fat in coconut oil is very effective to regulate the blood sugar in our body. Coconut oil allows our cells to feed without the aid of insulin. Coconut oil is one of the best foods for diabetes. Dr Bruce Fife says that “Every cell in our bodies needs a continual supply of either glucose or fatty acids to fuel meta bolic functions and keep them alive. If the cells can’t get enough glucose they weaken and die”. The benefit of coconut oil is it doesn’t require insulin to enter and feed cells.

Boost immunity: Coconut is very good for immunity system because coconut is antiviral, antifungal, anti bacterial and anti parasitic. Coconut oil protects our body from viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Regular intake coconut oil can help to treat some of the worst and most resilient illness like throat infections, bronchitis and urinary tract infection.

Weight loss: Raw coconut is rich in medium chain triglycerides which is a type of dietary fat that may encourage weight loss. According to Ceylon Medical Journal “Medium chain triglycerides convert into monoglycerides and medium chain free fatty acids during digestion. As a result raw coconut may promote a healthy body weight and helps to stay fit”.



Starfruit (a.k.a. carambola) has unique ridges down its sides, usually five but it can vary. In cross-sections, it looks like a star, which is where it gets its name. The fruit is about 2-6 inches in length, and is yellow when fully ripe. There are two main varieties of starfruit: the small sour kind and the larger sweet type.


Starfruit contains several vitamins such as, choline, folate, lutein zeaxanthin, niacin, antothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamins C, B6, and E. It has trace amounts of calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.

Anti-cancer:  Free radicals and carcinogenic agents in the body may cause damage to cells that lead to cancer. Starfruit has a high content of antioxidants that may help clean the body by neutralizing free radicals before they cause too much damage. The high fiber content in starfruit also cleanses toxins that are stored in the colon and lowers the risk of developing colon cancer.

Anti-inflammatory:  Starfruit has high amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids which are beneficial to protecting from inflammation caused by free radicals that can cause tissue repair delays. Vitamin C pushes out toxins and helps in collagen synthesis which is an important component to repair and form bones, arteries and blood vessels. This is very important to healing the body and calming the damages that are caused at a cellular and tissue level.

Breastfeeding:  Some women have trouble producing enough milk to breastfeed their newborn baby. Instead of taking hormonal pills, starfruit has properties that may help to increase milk production naturally.

Heart Health:  The potassium and sodium in starfruit are important contents of electrolyte and are useful for maintaining blood pressure. Levels of sodium are kept in check by magnesium which is a mineral that regulates the muscle function of the body including the heart muscles. Heart muscles create heart beat and regular heart beat that keeps a healthy blood flow. High sodium levels are dangerous and can increase blood pressure. The low fat content makes it a health food supplement and lowers the bad cholesterol which causes plaque buildup.

Immunity:  Starfruit contains high amounts of vitamin C, which is a water soluble vitamin that is considered to be the best antioxidant available to the body. Vitamin C boosts the immune system to help ward off colds, the flu and other infections. Vitamin C is not stored in our body and is used pretty fast when we sweat. Antioxidants increase immune functions by riding the toxins and free radicals that take over our body due to the environment, internal metabolism and food sources.

Skin:  Free radicals and toxins are cleaned out of the body by antioxidants like vitamin C, the flushing of toxins created better skin and controls acne. Starfruit juice can hydrate and smooth skin, as well as reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Weight Loss:  Starfruit is low in fat, high water content, contains high amounts of minerals and fiber. It makes a great snack for weight management dietary routine. The high content of fiber makes you feel fuller longer and naturally curbs your appetite. Water rich fruits keep you well hydrated when exercising and the healthy mixture of minerals keep your electrolytes in balance. Electrolytes manage the neuro transmission and control muscles function in the body.


Choose starfruit that is yellow, shiny, without bruise and not too soft. Ripe starfruit should be consumed as soon as possible. Starfruit is delicious sliced and eaten alone, juiced or added into a tasty fruit salad.


Starfruit contains caramboxin and high levels of oxalic acid. These substances may be harmful to individuals suffering from kidney failure, kidney stones, or those undergoing kidney dialysis treatment. Individuals suffering from kidney failure can experience hiccups, vomiting, nausea, and confusion.

Like grapefruit, starfruit may interfere with certain drugs. If you are on any medications, it is not recommended to consume starfruit or drink of its juice.

11 Health Benefits of Kiwifruit

The kiwi fruit is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, dietary fiber and magnesium. It contains low amount of sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat. Many people eat it as for taste & totally unaware of how rich in goodness it is for us. Apart of its good taste, Kiwi has many special health benefits. If you are unaware about the hidden health benefits of Kiwifruit, then don’t worry. In this page, we have listed some magical benefits of Kiwi.
Kiwi is a good source of vitamin C & adding it in your daily diet keeps your skin young and vibrant.

The mineral presents in Kiwifruit provide benefits to your nervous system and circulatory functions.

It is very important to keep your eye sight strong. Adding Kiwi in your diet will protect you from eye diseases & keep your eyes bright.

The kiwi fruit contains Folic Acid, Dietary Fiber & Energy Boost like antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin D which are beneficial for pregnant women.

The kiwi fruit contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E, magnesium, potassium and copper, which protect our blood vessels and heart.

The kiwifruit contains vitamin C & have strong antioxidant properties that will help you to fight against cancer (breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, etc.) & also help to increases your survival period.

The kiwifruit contains magnesium that helps to build and strengthen your bones and teeth.

The kiwifruit contains high Zinc content & it is very important for healthy hair, nails, eyes and skin.

The amount of Vitamin C in Kiwifruit is twice as compared to oranges & hence it helps boost immunity.

Kiwifruit contains vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids that make it a natural blood thinner. Adding kiwi to your daily diet can reduce the risk of blood clotting and reduces fats in the blood that can lead to blockages.

The Vitamin E present in the Kiwifruit is an important antioxidant, which protects cells from damage.

Because of its so many health benefits, Kiwi is known as the World’s Healthiest Food. So guys,,, what are you waiting for??? Start adding Kiwi fruit in your daily diet & see its magical benefits.

You can eat Kiwi as a salad, by making a chutney or by making a chilled soup.