Many home remedies consisted of whatever was available in the kitchen or medicine cabinet. Such things as cold milk, onion, peppermint oil, aloe vera, salt and toothpaste were tried in hopes of healing the blisters and reducing the pain. Such remedies may have had some value, or they might have just keep them busy until it finally was gone.
What Are Fever Blisters?
Home remedies for herpes are very effective if used immediately.Fever blisters are cold sores or HVS-1, which is herpes that is on the face, mouth, chin and lips. These tiny little blisters are very sore to the touch and can spread by touching them and then touching someone else. Also kissing and sharing drinking and eating utensils should not be allowed, also washing your hands often is recommended.Caution must be taken when these blisters occur so as not to spread the virus to others as well as on other parts of your own body. If rubbed in the eye or nose the virus can enter again through these mucus membranes and infect that area.
Also, caution should be taken when touching one’s own body around the genitals, this virus can then spread and cause genital herpes. Although genitals herpes virus is hidden in a different place in the body, the base of the spinal column, it is said to be caused by this
Is There A Real Remedy For Cold Sores?
At this time there is no cure for cold sores because it is a virus that lives deep in the body, dormant of sorts until the body becomes stressed or the immunities go down. There are many home remedies for herpes as well as home remedies for cold sores.
These home remedies may have been around for hundreds of years and may have some healing qualities. In modern times the new products that claim a short time remedy are sold in drug stores and claim to stop the pain and make the duration of the sore shorter.
If a true remedy is to be found it must include certain things that will target the virus, will be withou
t side effects and is one that will bring results that the virus is no longer in hiding and has been eradicated.
Should You Consider Home Treatment For Herpes?
After being diagnosed it is very probable that most will try to find a home remedy treatment rather than have to use antiviral drugs or the over the counter remedies. These are tried because it makes sense that something natural should bring relief.
However, after trying most home remedies, the prescription is usually filled. Some do believe, and studies have shown, that during an outbreak the immune system has been compromised.
So it makes sense that if you keep your immune system going strong that the virus will not be able to break out so to speak.
Do Homeopathic Remedies For Cold Sores Get Results?
The same folks that put hope in the fact that home remedies will work may also try a homeopathic doctor for homeopathic remedies for the outbreaks of herpes. Many people find that some of the homeopathic combinations like Herpeset really do work and have fewer outbreaks but the virus still is in the body waiting for a chance to spring to life again.
Many remedies for fever blisters, include products from around the house or medicine cabinet. Also, homeopathic remedies may also be tried. However, if the virus is not targeted and killed it is just a waiting game for the next outbreak.
Also, a recommendation is avoiding trigger situations, when a trigger happens you are more likely to have an outbreak. Some of these triggers are fatigue, fever, trauma, dental work and food allergies to just name a few. During a breakout in the mouth, avoid salty things and citrus so as not to hurt the raw sores.
Which Home Remedies For Fever Blisters Work Best?
When you begin looking for information on home remedies for fever blisters, one option that you might come across is the Ultimate Herpes Protocol system. This has become very popular of late, primarily because it helps to not only get rid of the signs of herpes, but it also prevents fever blisters from recurring. It is able to do this by attacking the virus itself so that it becomes weaker.
Is This The Best Home Remedy For Herpes For You?
There may not be a total, permanent cure for fever blisters, cold sores, and herpes, but the Ultimate Herpes Protocol is one system that seems to be the closest thing to a cure that you will find online